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   By recreating popular dishes with plastic litter components, the main idea and goal of "THE (p)LAST(ic) SUPPER" is to raise the awareness about one of the biggest ecological disasters of the present days - the global plastic pollution. Since the 1950s more than 8,3 billion tons of plastic has been produced, but only 9% of it has been recycled. We are what we eat, and if we don't stop polluting our planet with plastics, the menu of our children will probably be no different than the pictured dishes. I started the project in July 2019, so far it consists of 10 compositions, but more will follow.

 * Since the 1950s, around 8.3 billion tons of plastic have been produced worldwide, that is the equivalent of the mass of 800 000 Eifel Towers. Only 9% have been recycled.

 * The World population in 1974 was 4 billion and the plastic consumption per person was 2 kilograms per Person. In 2019 the population is 7.7 billion and the plastic consumption is 43kg per person!

 * Nowadays the average consumption of plastics worldwide is around 43kg per person per year and this number is rapidly growing. For instance in 1974 the consumption was 2kg.

 * Worldwide, on average 1 million plastic bottles are bought every minute. Less than the half of them are recycled, the rest ending up in landfills or the ocean.

 * Worldwide, about two million plastic bags are used every minute. The average time a plastic bag is used is 12 minutes, it takes up to 1000 years to decompose!

 * The average person eats 70 000 microplastic bits each year. That is about 100 bits of microplastic over the course of one meal.

* Virtually every piece of plastic that was ever made still exists in some shape or form with the exception of the small amount that has been incinerated.

 * Each year 640 000 tons of lost or abandoned fishing nets and gear pollute the oceans. More than 1 million seabirds or marine animals are being killed each year by ingesting plastics.

 * One of the biggest reasons for the plastic pollution is due to the lack of education on recycling.  Many people do not know exactly what can and cannot be recycled, which leads to many people  recycling less than they could and many more aren’t recycling at all.

 * Plastic pollution can now be found on every beach in the world, from the most popular tourist  beaches to uninhabited, tropical islands. Scientists have recently discovered microplastics imbedded  deep in the Arctic ice.

King prawns
Eggs sunny side up
Blueberry cake
Garden Salad
Beef steak
Leaf salad

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